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Reiki is...


Reiki is a subtle and effective form of relaxation and healing using universal life force or "reiki."  Other words for this life force are "chi" or "qi."  It is practiced worldwide in many settings, both institutionally and privately, and has been for many years.  Based on principles of ancient Japenese alternative healing practices, Reiki is not necessarily affiliated with a particular religion or religious practice.


For People...


While Reiki is not intended to replace traditional medicine, it is a relaxing and meditative healing practice that can compliment traditional and other alternative medicine disciplines.  The Reiki practitioner works with the client and her/his energy to bring balance, relaxation and harmony to the physical body, emotional and mental states, and spiritual connection.  This is done by placing hands on, or close to, the clients body (while fully clothed) and setting an intention for the energies to work together for the greater good of the client.


A typical Reiki session is about 50 minutes.  While Reiki can be done at any time and anywhere, the client usually lays on a table, much like a massage table, in a calming environment.  Clients often report feeling warm or tingling sensations.  Most report feeling deeply relaxed and re-energized.

For Animals...


Reiki is best done in the animal's environment and can be done hands-on or hands-off, depending on the comfort level of the animal.  The animal is most often the one "in charge" of the session, guiding the practitioner and the energy where s/he needs it most.  If there are multiple animals, group sessions can be done if the animals are comfortable with each other.


Many animals have endured some stressful event or difficult past, making them prone to anxiety, afraid of touch or noise, and more challenging to bond with.  Reiki has been shown to reduce anxiety, alleviate pain and strengthen the human-animal bond.




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